God shows us his great love through Jesus


Thank you for all your hard work in opening many people’s eye to the truth. We understand it is a very challenging task to attempt; as our modern-day main stream and social media are filled with mis-information and lies. 

Where the truth can be hidden in the vastness of the internet, working together and uniting for the truth is very important. That is why we have launched our website to empower truth seekers and active community members like yourself; to freely express the truth world wide.

GodlyPeople is a website committed to provide high quality contents aiming to educate, expose the truth and to uncover the deep rooted corruption in our world. 

Our website provides you with simple user-friendly platform where you can share and spread your message, discoveries, concepts and teachings that benefits our world

Our content type is focused on videos; similar to “YouTube”, however without the difficult implementation of Google and Youtube algorithms resulting in valuable information being censored. Furthermore account deletions and bans are very common. Many creators have lost all their subscribes and  access to their channels. 

We are extending our invitations to you to change the world with truth, clarity and transparency. let us be the change we want to see in our wold together.

You can help the world by reporting, exposing the truth and educating others about the ongoing lies of main stream media. 

Become our partner by registering on GodlyPeople.com and start publishing your videos today.

For more information and contacts, please visit our website https://godlypeople.com


Changing perceptions daily!